Avoid Repeat Ankle Sprains with These Four Simple Moves

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You’ve recovered from one ankle sprain. The last thing you want? To do it all over again.

Unfortunately, about 70 percent of people experience a second ankle sprain after the first. The reasons aren’t always clear. But experts believe poor balance plays a role—and that balance-boosting exercises can break the cycle of chronic strains.

San Jose State University researchers recently found simple kicking exercises—done with resistance bands similar to the TheraBand CLX—improved balance in both healthy and frequently injured men and women. Study participants did four exercises, kicking in four different directions, three times a week. At the end of four weeks, their balance improved significantly compared to a control group.

If you’ve suffered from a sprain, consider doing these moves regularly. But even if you fall off track, the results have staying power. In the study, better balance lasted for four weeks after the exercise program ended.


Improve Balance, Improve Stability, Increase Strength, Prevent Injury


Cutting, Exercising, Jumping, Kicking, Landing, Running, Weightlifting

Begin by anchoring your CLX to a CLX Door Anchor. Place your uninjured ankle through an Easy Grip Loop and stand with your back to the door. Move to a lunge position with your injured leg in front, knee slightly bent. Slowly pull the back, uninjured foot forward against the band, bringing it in front of you and bending your knee. Return to starting position.

Begin by anchoring your CLX to a CLX Door Anchor. Place your uninjured ankle through an Easy Grip Loop and stand facing the door. Move to a lunge position with your uninjured leg in front, knee slightly bent, and the injured foot behind you. Slowly pull the front foot backward against the band, bringing it in behind you with your knee bent. Return to starting position.

Begin by anchoring your CLX to a CLX Door Anchor. Place your uninjured ankle through an Easy Grip Loop and stand sideways, uninjured leg toward the door and hips and knees slightly bent. Balance on your injured leg. Pull your other foot over and in front of you, across the injured foot. Return to starting position.

Begin by anchoring your CLX to a CLX Door Anchor. Place your uninjured ankle through an Easy Grip Loop. Stand with your injured leg toward the door and your other foot crossed in front of it, hips and knees slightly bent. Balance on your injured leg. Pull your uninjured foot away from the door until your legs are slightly wider than hip distance. Return to starting position.